The American Dream

The American dream… I think about it as something amazing, 3 words that explain many lives of American people and theirs inspirations to settle down and live in successful. We’ve all heard about it or just seen it on the big screen, but it is just one the things that makes my mind fall in love with United States. Furthermore, I would love to arrive to New York and play “Welcome To New York”, by Taylor Swift, in my headphones with all the volume up (it does not sound healthy, but it is really worth it, don’t you think so?). It would blow my mind to see all the buildings, the crowded streets with busy lives, all the freedom that exists. Just to think about it makes me shiver. Because all of the things that this “dream” makes me feel, I would loooove to live there, although I know it is an expensive thing to do, but not that many people could say “I live in New York” ;).


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